Best Plants for Your Coquitlam Backyard

Planning a backyard garden in Coquitlam can be a fun and rewarding experience. With the right plants, you can create a beautiful, low-maintenance outdoor space that is both functional and attractive. Choosing plants that thrive in the local climate ensures your garden will flourish with minimal effort.

Choosing Native Plants for Coquitlam

Selecting native plants for your backyard in Coquitlam is an excellent choice. These plants are well-adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, which means they will require less water and care. Plus, native plants attract local wildlife, such as birds and butterflies, adding life and colour to your garden.

One popular native plant is the Pacific Dogwood. This tree, which is also the provincial flower of British Columbia, produces beautiful white flowers in the spring and red berries in the fall. It’s a great choice for adding both beauty and wildlife interest to your yard.

Another fantastic choice is the Western Red Cedar. This hardy evergreen tree provides a great structure for your garden and offers year-round greenery. It can be used to create natural fences or privacy screens, making your yard feel more secluded and peaceful.

For ground cover, consider using Kinnikinnick, also known as Bearberry. This low-growing plant has lovely white or pink flowers and bright red berries. It spreads quickly and helps to prevent soil erosion, making it perfect for slopes or areas where you need dense coverage. By incorporating native plants like these, you can create a thriving, low-maintenance garden suited to Coquitlam’s environment.

Best Perennials for Low Maintenance

Perennials are a gardener’s best friend when it comes to low-maintenance plants. These plants come back year after year, reducing the need for replanting and ensuring your garden remains beautiful with minimal effort. Here are some great low-maintenance perennials that do well in Coquitlam.

First on the list is the Hostas. Hostas are shade-tolerant plants with large, attractive leaves that come in various shades of green, blue, and yellow. They are perfect for filling in shady spots in your garden and require very little care once established.

Another excellent choice is the Black-eyed Susan. This perennial blooms from mid-summer to fall with bright yellow flowers that attract butterflies and bees. Black-eyed Susans are drought-tolerant and thrive in full sun, making them an ideal choice for sunny spots in your garden.

Sedum, also known as Stonecrop, is another hardy perennial worth considering. Sedums come in many varieties, with some producing lovely pink, red, or yellow flowers. They are highly drought-tolerant and can thrive in various soil types, making them a versatile and low-maintenance option. By incorporating perennials like Hostas, Black-eyed Susans, and Sedums, you can enjoy a beautiful, long-lasting garden year after year with minimal upkeep.

Ideal Shrubs and Trees for Structure and Shade

Adding shrubs and trees to your backyard in Coquitlam gives the space structure and provides much-needed shade during the hot summer months. They create focal points and help organize the different areas of your garden.

One excellent shrub to consider is the Rhododendron. This evergreen shrub is well-suited to the Coquitlam climate and produces beautiful flowers in a variety of colours, including pink, red, and white. Rhododendrons thrive in partially shaded areas and require minimal pruning.

For trees, the Japanese Maple is a fantastic choice. Its stunning red or orange leaves add a burst of colour to your yard, and its compact size makes it perfect for smaller spaces. Japanese Maples prefer well-drained soil and can tolerate both sun and partial shade, making them a versatile addition to your garden.

Another great option is the Serviceberry tree. This small tree produces fragrant white flowers in the spring, followed by edible berries that attract birds. In the fall, its leaves turn a beautiful shade of yellow or orange. 

Serviceberries are hardy and require very little maintenance, making them ideal for busy gardeners. By planting shrubs like Rhododendrons and trees like Japanese Maples and Serviceberries, you can create a structured and shaded backyard that’s both practical and beautiful.

Adding Colour with Annuals and Perennial Flowers

Bringing colour to your backyard in Coquitlam is easy with a mix of annuals and perennial flowers. These plants add vibrant hues throughout the seasons, creating a lively and inviting garden.

Annuals are a great way to achieve instant colour. They complete their life cycle in one growing season, so you can change your garden’s look each year. Petunias are a favourite choice for their wide range of colours and their ability to bloom all summer long. Marigolds are another excellent option, with their bright orange and yellow flowers that are easy to grow and care for.

Perennials, on the other hand, come back year after year, providing lasting beauty. Coneflowers are perfect perennials for Coquitlam gardens. They produce large, colourful blooms that attract butterflies and bees. Daylilies are also a great choice, with their cheerful flowers that come in many colours and require minimal maintenance.

Creating a balance between annuals and perennials ensures that your garden is colourful from early spring to late fall. By using a mix of these flowers, you can enjoy a beautiful and vibrant backyard throughout the growing season.


Transforming your backyard in Coquitlam into a stunning garden involves choosing the right mix of plants. From native selections and low-maintenance perennials to structural shrubs and colourful flowers, each element contributes to a thriving outdoor space.

For expert backyard renovation services to help you create your perfect backyard, contact us at All Hands on Deck today. Our team specializes in designing beautiful, functional outdoor spaces tailored to your needs. Let’s turn your garden dreams into reality!